Thermal Spa Saturnia
posted in // Surroundings

The Thermal Spa Saturnia
These thermal baths lie in a splendid natural environment near charming falls of freely accessible sulphureous waters.From the spring sulphureous-carbonic-sulphate-bicarbonate-alkaline-earthy water, at a temperature of 37,5 C°, mud-baths are prepared and “bioglea” can be extracted for thermal cosmetics.
Through baths, mud-baths, hydromassages, inhalations, humage and mineral water cure, problems of the respiratory tracts, some chronic inflammatory arthropathy ,arthrosis and skin diseases can be cured.
This water is even used in rehabilitation.
Inside the thermal spa Saturnia, besides courses of yoga, water gymnastics, dietetical programmes, you can benefit by invigoratig, moisturizing, skin-renforcing treatments , as well as specific antiage treatment and general wellbeing of body and face, and finally, antistress and fitness treatments.
Saturnia lies in an area that is inhabited at least since the XII century B. C., or rather since the Late Villanovia Era. Attributable to this period are indeed the stonework city walls and the Necropolis of Puntone.
Situated along Clodia road, Saturnia was also a Roman centre, of which just some parts of the walls, the foundations of some buildings and the ruins of a thermal bath, known as “bagno secco” (“dry bath”), are left.
In the valley below, towards Montemerano, there are the thermal baths of Saturnia, whose sulphureous water gushes out at a temperature of 37 C °.